We at Twitter are all aflutter because Keith Olbermann, host of Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC, is now tweeting, and he has actually followed some of our friends. We're like high school girls again. Even the guys are like high school girls. We talk among ourselves about who KO is following, and we tweet him, hoping to catch his attention and get a response if not a follow.
I sent him one tweet that was especially good, I thought. I said I was getting wiser in my old rage. Isn't that cute? Well, KO didn't respond, but then what can you expect from a guy with 39,000+ followers, all tweeting him hoping he will pick the one tweet that is really great, and it will be yours? KO is shorthand for Keith Olbermann, if you didn't figure that out. I was not talking about KOing someone, but that would be a good bite -- to KO KO with a great tweet! I should send that one to him.
You have to understand Twitter to really get this. Every 140 words or less has the potential to grab someone and cause them to interact with you. Eventually you develop a group of friends who interact with you regularly and at least read what you are saying. To be heard is the key to your Twitter identity, and if you can count some influential tweeters among your friends, then you have Klout. No, that is not mispelled. It is a program that measures your influence among your Twitter friends. My Klout score is 67, which is pretty high. I have some cool friends. Celebrities, if you will, on Twitter.
That's the thing. Who is a celebrity on Twitter? Well, there is Rachel Maddow, and Roger Ebert, and then there are a bunch of real-life celebrities that I don't follow because they don't say anything meaningful to me. I have my local celebrities. I think Shoq and Karoli and GottaLaff and OTOOLEFAN and whisper1111 and cynthiaboaz are pretty cool. If you want to see who KO is following, go to this link: http://twitter.com/KeithOlbermann/following. You won't find me there, but I am going to send him a link to this post, just in case.
you're like a celebrity to me which is why I follow you