I could make a list of complaints today, but instead I will make a list of praises. I love my life. I admit it. I am happy, perhaps happier than I have ever been.
I am fortunate to have a husband who loves and cares for me. He works very hard to keep shelter and food and heat and insurance and cars and fun going on in our lives. He takes out the garbage without me asking. He cleans the catbox. He feeds the animals. He does the laundry - really any job too strenuous for me. And he doesn't complain about it. Instead he tells me how much he loves his job and even when his body hurts, as it often does, he still gets up every morning ready to go.
Our twin daughters just turned 25. Our daughters are a constant pleasure. Both are wonderful, college-educated women with liberal political philosophies. One is married, the other is single. One is very healthy and the other less so, but you would never know it by anything they say or do. They are friends. They love me and their dad. They want to spend time with us and we with them. How many people can say that about their kids?
We have always had animals, at least as soon as we bought our own home and could make those decisions for ourselves. Currently, one dog and three cats live in our house. All are healthy and well-loved. They make my days enjoyable. There are a lot of things I can't do right now - getting outside much, walking around - but I have such a wonderful support system of loving pets. Now that I am retired on social security disability, I don't see as many people as I used to but I don't get lonely.
You may have read of my health concerns and wonder how I can say this is the best time of my life. I don't quite know how to explain it. It's true I have Type 1 diabetes, and the complicatins thereof. I have Level 4 renal failure and will soon go on dialysis. I have heart failure and had a quadruple bypass about ten years ago. I have peripheral vascular disease and had an artery bypass in my right leg, as well as a toe amputation. There's a few other things associated with diabetes that are acting up. But I am glad to say my vision is excellent.
So how can I saw this is the best time of my life? Bear with me. I must say this. It's because I have seen my future in the grace of God's loving forgiveness. I am a Christian and my faith gives me a peace that cannot be explained but must be experienced to understand. I know many of my readers have differing ideas about God, and I respect those differences. But my faith is key to my life. I truly believe, and I am assured of an eternity with Him.
I don't know what tomorrow holds. It could be that this is a momentary time of comfort, even luxury, in my life. I could lose everything ... everything. Would I still be able to say that this is the best time of my life? I sincerely hope so.
I love YOU mama! So so so sooo much!!