I am a huge fan of tea parties. I love the little sandwiches, the chocolates, the Lady Grey. I wear a hat and decorate my table with ceramic chickens or old teapots. Ladies getting together to sip tea and chat as though we had nothing better to do in the afternoon. Admiring each other's hats and scarves and fans. Tea parties are a little girl's fantasy and an adult woman's escape.
How dare these right wing extremists co-opt the name "Tea Party" for their hateful, screaming, detestable get-togethers? That's really the most insignificant criticism I have of their national bowel movement. The gathering of extremes is magnetic to the unthinking and the stupid. Their hatred and distrust of government is unpatriotic, and the calls for gun violence are traitorous.
I do not oppose their right to criticize, but criticism with the motivation to destroy is completely unwarranted. Criticism is and always has been a means to build upon, not tear down. Maybe that's just my elitist college-educated brain speaking. I have learned some "critical" thinking skills, and that does not mean being critical of thinking. Critical thinking means learning how to see flaws in arguments and how to correct those errors in your own judgment.
That these people call themselves Patriots is unacceptable to me. That they believe our President, a constitutional lawyer, is trying to destroy the constitution is downright stupid, not ignorant. Ignorant people don't know any better. Stupid people know better and still do it. The leaders know patriotism means honoring your country, its leaders, and its defenders. But they still dishonor it. Stupid! Tea Partiers are as unpatriotic as flyers of the Confederate flag.
Traitors? Yes, Tea Partiers are that, too. We are in the midst of two wars. We have enemies that wish to destroy us through international and domestic terrorism. We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights that are the foundation of our government, and they are under attack. Not by the status quo. No, the US government is not attempting to destroy itself. The Tea Party is attempting to destroy the US government, the President, and the federation itself. Their calls for guns and violence are traitorous. Also known as sedition, leading toward armed insurrection, the push of the Tea Party is toward the edge, and in any other time would be treated as criminal.
I am tired of these rag-tag ignoramuses filling our airwaves with their stupid, unpatriotic, traitorous words. I feel sometimes like I'm trudging through the mud, trying to get to the other side. This is not a Tea Party I wish to attend.